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Reading is one of the most fundamental skills that humans acquire. From an early age, we are encouraged to read as a means of acquiring knowledge, expanding our vocabulary, and developing our critical thinking skills. As we grow older, we are often told to read for pleasure, to improve our empathy and understanding of other perspectives, and to boost our overall cognitive function. But why is reading so important, and what are the benefits of reading?

First and foremost, reading is an essential skill that enables us to navigate the world around us. From reading street signs to understanding complex legal documents, the ability to read is critical to our success in both our personal and professional lives. Without reading, we wouldn’t be able to learn new information or gain new insights into the world around us. This is particularly true in today's information age, where we are bombarded with a constant stream of news, social media posts, and advertisements. Reading allows us to filter through this noise and find the information that is relevant and useful to us.

But reading is much more than just a functional skill. It has numerous cognitive, emotional, and social benefits that have been well-documented by experts in the field of psychology and education. For example, research has shown that reading can improve our memory, increase our attention span, and boost our overall cognitive function. This is because reading requires us to use multiple areas of our brain, including our visual cortex, language processing centers, and working memory. As we read our brain processes the words on the page to derive meaning from them, and then stores that information for future use. This process of cognitive engagement is incredibly beneficial for our brains, helping to keep them sharp and healthy as we age.

The benefits of reading go far beyond our cognitive function. Reading can also improve our emotional well-being by helping us to build empathy and understanding of other perspectives. When we read a book, we are transported into the mind of the author, experiencing their thoughts, emotions, and experiences in a way that is both unique and profound. This immersion in another person's life can be incredibly powerful, helping us to develop a greater appreciation for the diversity of human experience and the challenges that others face. This can, in turn, improve our ability to communicate and empathize with others, making us more effective communicators, collaborators, and leaders.

Finally, reading has numerous social benefits, particularly in terms of our ability to connect with others. Reading is often a shared experience, whether it be discussing a book club selection with friends, recommending a favourite novel to a coworker, or bonding with a romantic partner over a shared love of literature. These connections can be incredibly meaningful, helping us to form deeper relationships with those around us and build a sense of community and belonging. In a world where social isolation is increasingly common, these connections are more important than ever.

Reading is a critical skill that is essential for success in both our personal and professional lives. It offers numerous cognitive, emotional, and social benefits that have been well-documented by experts in the field of psychology and education. Whether you are reading for pleasure, learning a new skill, or simply expanding your knowledge, reading is an incredibly rewarding and enriching experience that can improve your life in countless ways. So, if you haven't picked up a book in a while, now is the perfect time to start!


We’ve curated a list of books that we think will help you think about and navigate your life. They range from classics to personal picks that we’ve found great value in. Take a look - they're also categorized into the three aspects of life to make it easy for you to pick which ones you want to start with.


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